Conversion factor examples and solutions

The first step is to always identify the unit you are to end with in your answer.

Then list all conversion relationships that are of the same "quality" (this last problem is a length conversion so a length relationship was used). After you have practice you will be able to skip this step.

The unit you need to cancel out is always on the opposite side of the fraction in the conversion factor.



Linear conversions All the units on the quantities have an exponent of one. The conversions require only one term 'conversion factor' to cancel units.

The conversion of one length unit to another can be done in the following way.


3.8 meters converted to millimeters

(3.8 meters ) ( 1000 millimeters / 1 meter)  =  3800 millimeters


Convert  2.0 meters to millimeters

2.0 meter x ( 1000 millimeter / 1 meter) = 2,000 millimeters


Convert  2.4 kilograms to milligrams

2.4 kg x ( 1000 g / kg) x ( 1000 mg / 1 g) = 2,400,000 mg



Dr. Walt Volland revised July 11, 2012   all rights reserved